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Translation service (翻訳サービス/英語)

ページID:0001092 更新日:2011年3月1日更新 印刷ページ表示

Correspondence to foreign language (外国語への対応)

This site is an official homepage of the Kasaoka City in Japan that is the municipality.
For the foreign country to know the Kasaoka City on this site, the translation service on the entire site is introduced.


Translation Service (翻訳サービス)

The Kasaoka City homepage is translated by using the free translation service of an external site.
It is because of being mechanically translated when it is not a correct translation. Please acknowledge being not able to assume all the responsibilities in the Kasaoka City even if the mistake etc. done by the accuracy of the translation are found beforehand.


Google Translation Service (Google翻訳サービスについて)

※Please be sure to read the terms of the Google translation service before use. (For Google Translation<外部リンク>)
※使用の前にGoogleの翻訳サービスに関する諸条件を必ず読んでください。 (Google翻訳について <外部リンク>)